Experimenting with colours for my final piece

I tried to mix the right colours to match (or come close to) the colours in the real picture. I found different ways of creating the greens and browns in the picture, I also tried ti find ways to create the different textures of the picures. I used the handle of a brush or the blade of a knife to scrape reeds in the paint and white acryllic paint for the flecks of white on the wings.

differents shades of green
I decided that the reeds to the right of the picture are a mix of ceruleum blue, yellow ochre and a touch of white
Different shades of green and brown
The green to the left of the picture is a mixture of hooker’s green, lemon yellow and white. The kite is burnt sienna and white, burnt umber, yellow ochre and cadmium yellow, and white with a hint of ceruleum blue.
Experiments with painting the bird
Experiments with texture